How things work

If someone ask you for one object that you think can´t live without it, I think that you mention one electronic object, because  is really difficult for us live without it. In the present all have one or more than one electronic object and we us it maybe all day and even in the night. Sometimes we feel compulsory to us this objects, but although we all are con aware of this, we can´t not us it.

If you answer my question and think about cell phone, you are reading the correct blog.  We us the telephones every day, for many different activities like study, to talk with other person, in case of an emergency, to take photos, etc.  Is a really useful object, But the Cell phone or the telephone is not actual, the origin about who was invented this object is not cleared, but some say that this object was the invention of a captain John Taylor in 1844, in that moment this instrument used to communicate with vessels and others say that in Chicago on 1876 Alexander Graham Bell was the first to patent the telephone with the purpose that have today, that is to communicate with others, but at the same time in the history some web side write that Bell stole this invention.

This object in the first moment was invented to communicate with others, and was a big object that we need to press many number to could call. Actually we do the same, but are easier because the cell phones it smaller and with touchscreen, as well now the phone has more function and we can take in all moments of the day.

This object has improved the people´s lives in many ways, is the most useful electronic object in my opinion, because it allow us not just communicate with other persons also we can take many app that facilitate the life. But at the same time we day by day are more dependent of the cell phone, something that is unhealthy.

In conclusion, the telephone is the invention that in the present all of persons or the majority around the word use. It usefulness is not the same to all persons that use this object and it popularity is because has many function and allow do many things at the moment and in the anywhere in the world.


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