Introdution 2

Transantiago, the public transport that stressful to the Chileans 

Chile is a country that implements the “transantiago” in 2002 with the president Ricardo Lagos. Transantiago end with the called “micros amarillas” and it implementation was like a dream to the Chilean persons that will imagine that this could be a better system and get rid of with the stoles and the bad connection. The transantiago is a public transport systems that go down the metropolitan city of Santiago and is built with the subway system.

When this public transport come to work in the city, the problems was to appear in a short time. The transantiago system brought new bus and replace the olds, but the connectability was worse. The Chilean society claim because with this system they arrive to their house to many hourse after that with the other system, because the traffic is terrible and the bus make a really lond journey. Also, now the people don´t take one bus, now take more that one and the fare is more high that before and the bus it break down more every day. The connectability , the price and the traffic is a really important problem of the public transport and will get worse, The transantiago it became in a bad dream to the Chilean people.

Proposed Solution:
The most important solution that the goberment was implemented is lengthen the subway and make the people prefer this system that the bus and this allow for decongest the public transport system. Although the periphery sector of the city don´t take this benefit and their only solution is take a bus. My solution to this system, is bring more bus that could permit the people take just one or two bus, but no more. Plan the better way the route and makes the travel more short to the people, this could be a benefit for the people and the goberment, because  now is very stressful to take the public transport and with a better transport maybe the workers will do their jobs better than ever. Other solution to this problem is lengthen the subway to a the periphery sector of the city and  maybe  that this public transport system was be more cheap because many people don´t pay for this reason and because their salary don´t  permit to spend in the transport.


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