Bio data
Jennifer Ramirez
is a young Chilean person that studies at the university since 2017. She started to
study social work at Universidad de Chile in 2017. Since she started her career,
she has always had excellent marks and good comments about the research that
she does , the university professor never has problems with her. Jennifer
excelled in subject like state, politics and gender projects.
In 2017 she
does a gender project, more specific about the LGBTIQ community trying to make
a change in her country, The Chilean society was very discriminator and violent
with diversity people and for this reason she does a project to make the
society change this vision. In her project she works with some few schools and
with students that were since 9th grade until 12th grade
to have the perception about the LGBTIQ persons and try to explain the idea
that they have about it could be discriminator and violent. To make this change she makes the students do
some activities with LGTIQ and their bad vision change, because they notice
that the LGBTIQ persons weren´t different
than them .She makes a great job and her
project was very successful, for this reason , it is that now in 2018 Jennifer wants
to do a research about gender, but with a bigger part of the Chilean society and this
could be the opportunity to make a real change.
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