
Well, I think we can always learn more about environmentally friendly, because is really important to do something for the planet even though is just a little change.  In my family, we recently do recycle because my brother tought us and showed us a website with a lot of information about how to recycle, at the beginning it was difficult but now we all can do it.
I think the Chilean government don´t do enough, and the society are not interested about learn more because all people or maybe the most can get the information but just a little part of the Chilean society recycle. I think the government is not interested in do something , maybe because  is easier to do anything for public politics that advantage to businessment that just want to destroy the environment.

I think that the most common items that people could recycle are bottles, glass, paper and paperboard, but we can recycle more than this and so easy to learn what we can recycle.
The people can do alot of things to protect the environment, but the first step is learn and feel interest. The second step is search on websites and look at what we have in the house to recycle and go to the clean points. One thing we need to consider about the items that we take to the clean points, is that all item don´t have to go to the waste. Other think that we can do is buy recycled bags, separate the trash and with the organic waste do compost, or take care to the water and take short showers.


  1. I think this topic is very important but I need say I love you used photo about Wall-E!

  2. i love walle, is a inspiration to the recycle jasksajas

  3. I love the image of wall-e, is a movie that can show a future if we don't make something


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