
An amazing film that I saw is the Star Wars Saga! But, there are three episodes of the entire saga that was the best for me, and they called “Rogue one”, “Revenge of the sith” and “Return of the Jedi”. When I watched the film, I can’t remember especifically the exact moment I did, but I know that I watched it at home on DVD with my brother when we were kids.

Carrie Fisher was a Star Wars movie’s actress and she did the “Princess Leia Organa of Arderaan” role character and it was a powerfull character. A remembering strong quote that relate to her is “woman´s place is in the resistence” and I feel that it’s an empowering phrase.
Star War is a science fiction movie, although there are fans who think that the film don´t belongs to this genre, but to fantasy.

The most I enjoyed about the film was that it never stops surprising you, and when you watched it for the first time you can think it’s really confusing to understand because of the chronological episodes order, but when you get it, it turns clarifying. About the movie, it’s very easy to fall in love on the characters because they are so sweet; like Chewbacca, C3PO, R2D2, ewoks and other ones. Finally, I feel that the movie makes women empowered because they can be Jedi or Leaders as much as men characters.


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