"Jane Addams"

Jane Addams is the person on my field that i want to talk, I really don´t admire to this person because i don´t know much about her, but my teacher always say a example about her and really interested my  to knowing more about her history one day when i have more time.
Jane Addams was born on September 6, 1860 in illinois, is an american woman who dedicated her life to denouncing the war and defending the life and rights of the most disadvantaged.
Also she founded the Hull House, in chicago one of the immigrant shelters that was founded in the United States. In a personal vision about Jane Addams, she had a lesbian relationsahip with Mary and this should not have been easy for Jane and Mary because this maybe will not be usual in this era.
His tireless work in favor of the most disadvantaged and in defense of peace earned him the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize he received in 1931. 
I decide to talk about this woman for the importance that she have in the defense of the disadvantaged and in the contribution that she do in Social work.
 Thanks for reading <3


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